The Power of Connection & Community: Tea, Election Actions & Gun Violence Prevention

The Power of Connection & Community: Tea, Election Actions & Gun Violence Prevention

Grassroots4GVP joined forces with our friends at the Movement Voter Project for an amazing event at The Vintage Tea and Cake Company in Lexington, MA. 

Nearly 50 people from across the Commonwealth came together to make change! Attendees wrote over 300 postcards to voters in swing states, learned about advocacy texting, and raised money for these two great organizations. 

The power of connection and community

This event was a perfect example of the power of connection and community. Attendees left feeling inspired, motivated, and committed to making our world a safer place for all.

Many volunteers also brought home batches of postcards to hold their own election events. It wasn't all work and no play, though! We enjoyed absolutely delicious treats while we got down to business. We also enjoyed each other's company!

Sending a big thanks to Adel Donegan, owner of The Vintage Tea and Cake Company, for generously sponsoring this event at her beautiful tea house.

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