Local Volunteers Spotlight: Arlington

Local Volunteers Spotlight: Arlington

Things have been busy in Arlington!

Our latest actions have focused on public education. On April 4, Arlington Public Schools sponsored a parent/caregiver forum on the topic of safe storage and how to have conversations about firearms with other families before our kids go to playdates or get-togethers. Is it a potentially awkward conversation? Sure is! But it’s a conversation that can—and does—save lives, and it’s worth having. A second forum will be held on May 2.

Volunteers in Arlington also had a wonderful meeting with the incredible people who run The Children's Room, an organization dedicated to helping children, teens, and families navigate the particular grief that comes with the death of a parent or sibling. There is, of course, an overlap with the work we do, and we're thinking about ways to partner with this amazing organization. 

Are you familiar with The Children’s Room and/or do you have an idea for ways we can work together? Let us know! Send your ideas to ma4gvp@gmail.com.