Media Comment After the MA House & Senate Vote on H.4885

Media Comment After the MA House & Senate Vote on H.4885

Media comment from Grassroots for Gun Violence Prevention after the House and Senate vote on H.4885 - July 18, 2024

“Today, Massachusetts can hold its head high: our reputation for strong life-saving gun laws just got even stronger. Thank you to the legislators who championed this bill, especially Representative Day, Senator Creem, House Speaker Mariano, and Senate President Spilka. 

"This is a great day for Grassroots for Gun Violence Prevention volunteers who’ve worked so hard to support this bill’s passage as part of our mission to free all communities from gun violence. But more importantly, it’s a great day for all communities across the Commonwealth who live with the daily fear of, and impact from, gun violence in all its forms. We deserve better—and we urge Governor Healey to expedite signing this bill into law.

"Once signed, H.4885 will protect our communities from the plague of ghost guns that are increasingly used in crimes, will limit firearms trafficking, and will prohibit gun carry in sensitive locations. Plus, it will expand education about the critical Red Flag law so that more people can take advantage of it and proactively avert injury and harm.”

—Rina Schneur, founding volunteer and legislative lead, Grassroots for Gun Violence Prevention

Grassroots for Gun Violence Prevention members visiting the Massachusetts State House on July 23, 2024, in celebration of the House and Senate voting to pass H.4885