Election 2024: How to Help Elect Gun Sense Candidates

Election 2024: How to Help Elect Gun Sense Candidates

Have you signed up to take action this election cycle? Everything is on the line in 2024.

Any time you can spend electing Gun Sense Candidates will matter! We have lots of ways for you to get involved.

1. Grassroots4GVP Text Together

Grassroots4GVP Text Together is our team focused on texting voters.

Texting is an easy, effective way to reach lots of voters. 

Our first "Introduction to Texting" training will be on Zoom on Wednesday, May 15, at 7:30 pm. 

Just click here to register and learn if texting is a good tactic for you!

2. Grassroots4GVP CALLTogether

Grassroots4GVP CALLTogether is our team of phone bankers. We're partnering with other organizations to make these calls. 

We're currently making calls in support of House and Senate candidates. Eventually, we'll be moving on to the Presidential Election. 

Email robrien.ma@gmail.com to sign up or ask questions.

3. Grassroots4GVP Postcards & Letters

Grassroots4GVP Postcards & Letters is all about writing to voters. You can do it on your own time, join a party, or even organize a small gathering with friends. 

To get started with postcards and mailings, check out:

  1. VolunteerBlue (note that signing up for the Pennsylvania Action Kit will result in postcards being mailed directly to you in Massachusetts)

  2. Blue Wave Postcards (again, this organization will mail everything you need directly to you..

For more information, email  rinars.ma@gmail.com.

4. Grassroots4GVP Canvass Together

Grassroots4GVP Canvass Together is committed to finding opportunities to canvas in key Northeast states and within Massachusetts for state candidates with a tight race. 

JOIN the Election Action!

Ready to help elect gun sense candidates? Sign up to take action using this form.

Going forward, here's how you'll be able to find all the latest on our Election Teams:

  • Email (we will move from periodical to weekly emails, with ways to report your actions)
  • This website
  • Our Facebook page
  • Our Slack workspace (where you can join tactic-specific channels for each team:
    #text_together_team, #call_together_team, canvass_together_team, #postcard_together_team) 

Need help with Slack? Email rinars.ma@gmail.com.

Thank you for taking action this election cycle!