A New Beginning

A New Beginning

Who are we?

We're so excited to welcome all of you to our new grassroots organization! We're a group of 70+ strong who have connected through our work with Moms Demand Action around a shared passion for taking action to prevent gun violence in the following ways:

  • Working with our local and state legislators to ensure that MA remains one of the states with the strongest gun laws in the country

  • Supporting local, state, and national candidates who make gun safety a legislative priority

  • Partnering with community partners who share our mission to end gun violence.

  • Advancing public education that will help end gun violence. This includes Emergency Risk Protection Orders, safe firearm storage education, and letters to the editor.

Why are we excited?

We’re a small but mighty group (and growing larger by the day!). We get to set our own priorities and plan events and actions on our own terms, which gives us great opportunities to focus at the local level.

One of our main priorities is to respond quickly to our volunteers’ and partners’ interests and concerns; we want to hear from you! Where do you see the need for this work in your communities, and most importantly, how do you want to get involved? Let us know by emailing ma4gvp@gmail.com. We look forward to working alongside you!